Books for the News, Poetry

Liam Rector: 1949-2007

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The late Liam Rector, who’s most recent book of poetry, The Executive Director of the Fallen World was published last fall by the press, was eulogized by one of his friends and colleagues David Gates in Newsweek‘s online edition this Monday. Gates’ piece begins:

The book I treasure most is a copy of Liam Rector’s last collection of poems, (The Executive Director of the Fallen World) which he handed to me a year ago at Café Loup in the West Village, inscribed, in his firm, rounded print, “For David—the most splendid hipster I’ve ever known—long may you run.” It was the best compliment I’ll ever get (long may I run), even though Liam, as he so often did, was really talking obliquely about himself.…

As well as providing insights into this talented poet’s life, Gates’ article also reprints several excerpts of Mr. Rector’s work including “The Remarkable Objectivity of Your Old Friends,” and “So We’ll Go No More.” Read the full article on the Newsweek website.