A Reading List of Journal Articles that #StepUp to Face Present Challenges
The Journals Division of the University of Chicago Press publishes more than 90 journals covering subjects from the humanities to the life sciences and historical periods from antiquity to the cutting edge of the contemporary. Within this broad portfolio, many of the journal’s editors work to amplify scholarship that enriches the study of the past and encourages readers to #StepUp to face the present challenges.

This year, Osiris published a volume on disability and the history of science. The Papers of the Bibliographical Society of America focused an issue on methods of queer bibliography, and Early Modern Women published a forum on queer and trans approaches to the study of early modern women and gender. Additionally, Early Modern Women recently featured two sections devoted to conversations on early modern women and race, and Speculum: A Journal of Medieval Studies, published a special issue covering race, race-thinking, and identity in the Global Middle Ages. The American Journal of Archaeology, in a groundbreaking study published in April 2023, found that people of color were underrepresented among authors of the journal, and committed to expanding its accessibility and inclusion efforts.
Focusing not only on new readings of the past but also scholarship that speaks to our current conditions, The Journal of Politics put together a special collection on the presidency and presidential elections. Social Service Review collected articles on democracy, liberalism, and social work, and Polity presented a symposium on abolition politics. Schools: Studies in Education published a symposium on democratic education in the twenty-first century, and Comparative Education Review devoted a special section to research on the education of migrant and refugee learners. The American Journal of Health Economics dedicated a special issue to health equity following a prior collection on the opioid crisis.
Each week we hear about areas of special focus our editors are pursuing and we work with them to amplify the wide range of research that responds to the complications, contradictions, and critical issues of our global moment.
—Griffin Reed, Journals Marketing