Author Events

Printers Row Book Fair this Weekend

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The annual Printers Row Book Fair is this weekend, June 9-10, in the historic Printers Row district in Chicago’s south loop. Along with more than a hundred publishers and bookstores plying their wares, the fair offers the opportunity to meet firsthand the literary masterminds behind some wonderful UCP books, including readings and author signings from:
Joel Greenberg, author of A Natural History of the Chicago Region and Sally A. Kitt Chappell author of Chicago’s Urban Nature: A Guide to the City’s Architecture + Landscape. June 9, 3:00 pm at Grace Place, Sanctuary, second floor.
Carl Smith author of The Plan of Chicago: Daniel Burnham and the Remaking of the American City. June 10, 1:00 pm at the Gwendolyn Brooks Poetry stage.
Mary Pattillo, author of Black on the Block: The Politics of Race and Class in the City. June 10, 1:30 pm at University Center / Private Dining Room.
Paul D’Amato author of Barrio: Photographs from Chicago’s Pilsen and Little Village. June 10, 3:30 pm at University Center / Private Dining Room.
The University of Chicago Press will be located in Tent A at Congress and Dearborn and will be offering books from the above authors and many more.
Check the Printers Row Book Fair website for updated locations and schedules. See our author events page for other appearances by our authors.