Anthropology, Art and Architecture, Books for the News, Cartography and Geography, History

Festival of Maps

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The Chicago Tribune is running an article today about the forthcoming Festival of Maps—a three month display of “rare and important” maps from around the world to be held at more than twenty participating venues throughout Chicagoland beginning later this fall. In conjunction with the exhibition the Press is set to release a companion volume in early November, Maps: Finding Our Place in the World edited by James R. Akerman and Robert W. Karrow, Jr. Delivering a comprehensive account of the diverse ways maps have been used throughout the ages and across cultures, Maps covers much of the material featured in the exhibition, from maps “tracing the rise of the American West” to those used to track and predict the weather. Read today’s article in the Tribune or check out the exhibition’s official website at to find out more about the Festival, or learn more about the companion volume, Maps, on our website.