Friday Remainders
Philip Gossett, author of Divas and Scholars: Performing Italian Opera, wrote an article titled “What Pavarotti’s Eulogists Wouldn’t Say” this week in the New Republic discussing the myth and reality of the late operatic superstar.
On his blog, the Page 99 Test, Marshal Zeringue asks authors to flip to page 99 of their books and briefly summarize the contents. Zeringue recently asked Michael Elliott, author of Custerology: The Enduring Legacy of the Indian Wars and George Armstrong Custer to take the test. Check out Zeringue’s blog to read Elliott’s response.
Bernard Harcourt, author of Language of the Gun: Youth, Crime, and Public Policy was featured on Chicago Public Radio’s 848 last Thursday to discuss gun violence among youths. In the program Harcourt discusses interviewing youths at an all-male correctional facility in Arizona for his book, using the interviews to explore the roots of youth gun violence in America.
Last Wednesday BBC Radio’s Thinking Allowed featured sociologist and author Howard Becker speaking about his long and distinguished career in sociology and his new book Telling about Society—a groundbreaking writing guide for social scientists exploring the many ways knowledge about society can be shared and interpreted through different forms of telling.