Books for the News, Law

Another tenure controversy

jacket imageDisputes over tenure know no ideological bounds.
Controversy surrounds the tenure status of another UCP author, this time with the criticism coming from a different corner of the political arena. John Yoo, author of The Powers of War and Peace: The Constitution and Foreign Affairs after 9/11 is a tenured professor at Boalt Hall School of Law at the University of California, Berkeley. He has long been under attack for his role in authoring memos while working for the Department of Justice that were used to justify DoJ policies for the detention and interrogation of suspected terrorists (including practices defined in international law as torture). A campaign has developed calling for Yoo’s ouster from his academic position.
The story was covered today by the online publication Inside Higher Ed. Last week Christopher Edley, Jr. , the Dean of Boalt Hall, released a statement asserting that he had seen no evidence of wrongdoing that would merit Yoo’s dismissal.
When we published his book, Yoo explained his view of executive war powers in an interview.
Updated: The Chronicle of Higher Education has a roundup of blogger commentary on the Yoo case.