Art and Architecture, Books for the News

Talking Books talks about Spiral Jetta

jacket imageWe have posted about Erin Hogan’s Spiral Jetta several times already, but we won’t apologize for posting about it again. It’s a delightful book and it’s provoking some interesting reflections on land art. The latest is a thoughtful discussion on Ian Brown’s CBC radio program Talking Books, with panelists Lawrence Weschler (director of the New York Institute for the Humanities), Monica Tap (a Toronto artist), and Tom Jokinen (a writer in Ottawa). It’s an entertaining and insightful discussion: recommended.
A description of the episode is on Words at Large, a CBC Radio site for book-related programs. A link to the audio is on that page; we couldn’t get that link to work, but went direct to the mp3 file.
We also have an excerpt and an interview with the author.