An education in education
President-elect Obama’s nomination of Arne Duncan as Education Secretary has put U.S. education policy—and educational reform in the Chicago system—in the national and international spotlight.
With all the global tumult in the news, these headlines will, inevitably, recede, but our growing list of education titles will sustain anyone’s continuing interest in education and the people for whom it’s not a passing news story but a way of life. Dan C. Lortie’s Schoolteacher: A Sociological Study, for example, has been dubbed one of the best portraits available of the world and culture of this vitally important profession. And we are excited to announce that, this spring, Lortie will follow up his classic text with School Principal: Managing in Public, a compelling look at what principals do, how they do it, and why. Examining a third group of people vital to children’s education, Parents and Schools: The 150-Year Struggle for Control in American Education is an invaluable guide to understanding how parent-teacher cooperation, which is essential for our children’s educational success, might be achieved.
And if your interest in education runs deep enough that you choose to pursue it as a career? We publish a slew of books in curriculum and methodology as well as Requirements for Certification, the most complete and current listings of the requirements for certification of a wide range of educational professionals at the elementary and secondary levels.