How’s the weather (book)?
This month has been the coldest July in Chicago in 42 years. The temperature—the average reading hovers below 78 degrees—has failed to reach 90 degrees even once. But while the sun may not have brought the heat to Chicago, Jack Williams beamed brightly on the the airwaves yesterday. Williams, the former editor of the USA Today weather page and author of The AMS Weather Book: The Ultimate Guide to America’s Weather, appeared with TV weatherman extraordinaire Tom Skilling on the WGN Midday News and with Phil Ponce on Chicago Tonight on WTTW.
Wildly popular local meteorologist Skilling—who is profiled in the book on page 166-167, for all you Cult of Tom members—is especially excited about the book. He writes of it: “Terrific&helllip;The book has received rave reviews from meteorologists, but it is written for anyone with an interest in weather and climate. Its approach is unique among books on these subjects because it introduces its readers to the remarkable people who work in the fields of meteorology and climatology. The product of years of work by one of this country’s leading science writers Jack Williams, The AMS Weather Book gives you a first hand look at the weather professionals who fly into hurricanes, the scientists who take arctic ice cores in an attempt to better understand and predict global climate change, the storm chasers who penetrate hurricanes and are in regular pursuit of the nation’s tornadoes to the forecasters who devote their work days to predict nature’s next move. The book takes the reader into every corner of the meteorological and climatological profession introducing us to those whose life’s work is dedicated to producing a better understanding of our weather and climate systems. It’s an outstanding book—beautifully illustrated and full of stunning photos of the weather at work.”
The video of Skilling’s chat with Williams can be seen below:
WIlliams’s appearance on Chicago Tonight can be seen here:
For more on the weather (book), head over to for everything we couldn’t fit in between the covers. Also be sure to bookmark, where Jack opines on all all issues meteorological. And finally, if you are heading to the air show at EAA AirVenture Oshkosh, stop by and say hello to Jack, who will be signing copies of his book—a perfect gift for the pilot in your life—at the author’s corner.