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Free e-book of the month

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If you missed our one-day-only free download of Mark Monmonier’s newest book, No Dig, No Fly, No Go, not to worry. Starting today and for the rest of the month you have another chance to sample the fascinating work of this prolific author/geographer with a Monmonier classic, Cartographies of Danger: Mapping Hazards in America—May’s free e-book of the month.
About the book:

No place is perfectly safe, but some places are more dangerous than others. Whether we live on a floodplain or in “Tornado Alley,” near a nuclear facility or in a neighborhood poorly lit at night, we all co-exist uneasily with natural and man-made hazards. As Mark Monmonier shows in this entertaining and immensely informative book, maps can tell us a lot about where we can anticipate certain hazards, but they can also be dangerously misleading.
“No one should buy a home, rent an apartment, or even drink the local water without having read this fascinating cartographic alert on the dangers that lurk in our everyday lives.… Who has not asked where it is safe to live? Cartographies of Danger provides the answer.”—H. J. de Blij, NBC News

Also read Monmonier’s list of ten risky places.
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