Books for the News

Printers Row Lit Fest on BookTV

Despite the wind, rain, thunder, lightening, heat, and cold, those working our booth at this year’s 2010 Printers Row Lit Fest deemed it a success! But of course, with hundreds of authors and publishers participating in Chicago’s premier literary event, it would be hard for it not to be. CSPAN was there to cover the event, taping a number of author interviews and panel discussions for its weekend Book TV programming. Check out the links below to watch their coverage of some of our favorite Chicago authors.

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Watch historian Adrian Johns respond to telephone calls and electronic communications about his recent book Piracy: The Intellectual Property Wars from Gutenberg to Gates. In Piracy Johns explores the history of copyright disputes stretching as far back as the advent of the printing press, to offer some much needed insights on the high profile debates of today.

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Watch Robert Elder, author of Last Words of the Executed in conversation with Adam Cohen. Last Words of the Executed offers an oral history of American capital punishment in the form of a compilation of the last statements of condemned prisoners—from women accused of witchcraft in eighteenth century, to some of the twentieth’s most infamous serial killers.

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Watch Martin Preib author of The Wagon, and Other Stories from the City in conversation with Billy Lombardo. Chicago police officer, bouncer, union reformer, doorman, Martin Prieb’s done it all, and in his new collection short stories Prieb offers readers the literary fruits his many adventures through gritty back-alleys, to the lakefront high rises, of his hometown city of Chicago.

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Watch Liam Ford talking about his book Soldier Field: A Stadium and Its City. In Soldier Field Ford explores the evolution of one of Chicago’s best known landmarks from a public war memorial, to the world famous home of da Bears.

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Watch Jack Fuller, author of What Is Happening to News: The Information Explosion and the Crisis in Journalism in a panel discussion on technology’s multifarious impacts on modern life. Fuller’s book What Is Happening to News explores the question of how journalism can adapt to the new mediums and new mindsets created by modern technology while still providing the information necessary to a functioning democracy.