Author Essays, Interviews, and Excerpts, Books for the News, Poetry

Roman numeral C, reinforced by (the) Latin centum: Part II

In which we continue to promote The Open Door: One Hundred Poems, One Hundred Years of Poetry Magazine by considering what exists outside its daunting canon of twentieth- and twenty-first-century giants. Part I here.

Oh, Mari’bn: You’re kiddins

Our remix of Anne Carson’s “A Detail from the Tomb of the Diver (Paestum 500–453 BC) Second Detail” (after a reading of Marjorie Perloff’s Unoriginal Genius, in which we channel Caroline Bergvall and Tan Lin)

A Dtret rnou rrn Tolas or rHE dr\,ER



BC) SEcoND DrTdr Ccx-soN

Swinhine at noon alwaF ftninds me



The Eruscos: true you blue, MaritFrl

lou rc btuc?

MarnJyn: Co undervr aLer.

The Etruscans: Wlry?

Maribn: Slowwortd, I like thar

The Etruscms: Slow bodies?

Mrlp: Bodes pulled amond by faces.

The Etruscans: Momentary faces.

Marilyn: Acutally, alldle same face.

The Etruscans: Irigfi renhs? Seduftive?

Marilyn: No. Sr.-nge. Beautitul.

The Eduscans: Odd son ofbeauty.

Mrill,n: Uke r new brasie.e

The E*uscans: Or a ery u$al erb.

Ma.itp: Wharl.

The Etruscals: For insraace the verb !s,.

Madbn: I didn’t know

is,was a ve$.

The Etruscans: What did you ftrink it was?

Marilp: A light for dre otho verbs.

The Eo-uscds: tn wrinen Cuuscd ( s rhe only vcrb
we hare.

Mdilyr: You’re kiddins.

Th{ Emiscansi:

ts,Ms. hasbeen. had beerl wilt be. mish t be.
shou.ld be, ro bc. to tuve been-

ro oe aDour ro have been. being. beins abour ro
be. And of (-oure de nesarives

of rhese.

Mmjn: no$ do you gf| maried orgo ro Lhc beach?

I ne Luuscans: we do such rhng5,

iusr done, rwrite abour rem.

Marnllrr: No novelsJ no scre.npla}s?

The Druscms: No lircracure.

Deciphernent ol Lineat x

Marilyn: Why bother wirh witing ar all theD?

The Etruscms: Itn needed on tonbsrones.

Marib’n: Oh I see.

The Ernscds: Now therek a slow world-

Marilyn: You gor that right.

The Etnscms: Now you’re sad asair

Mdlyn: No


thinling. My pain self etc.

The Etruscms: If,s choses derriere les choses.

Maril1rr: l


The Etmscas: Getting colder now.

Mdilln: Time to go in.

The Etrusans: And tomorow?

Mril)n: Tomorrow wil cdtainly be.

The Etruscans: You are very tunnv.

Mdi\r: So I’mtold.

ETissure 32: Anothcr rin{r x sire.

The Open Door doesn’t anthologize this. But it does anthologize all of this. Coming September 2012.