Books for the News, Literature, Publicity

The Dead Ladies Project on tour

Appropriated from the Spolia Mag Tumblr, here are some upcoming readings and release events surrounding Jessa Crispin’s The Dead Ladies ProjectAll are free and open to the public, except where indicated.



The Dead Ladies are going on tour!

September 29, New York 
A conversation with Laura Kipnis
at Melville House
46 John Street, Brooklyn

October 1, Chicago
Good old-fashioned house party (open to the public)
1926 W Erie

October 5, London
at BookHaus
70 Cadogan Place, Knightsbridge

October 12, Paris
Reading, champagne, and launch party
at Berkeley Books
8 Rue Casimir Delavigne

October 15, Leipzig
Cabaret! With opera singer Jennifer Porto! Details T/K

(Image: Maud Gonne. Or me, in my traveling hat, I’m not sure.)


To read more about The Dead Ladies Project, click here.