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Highlights from the AUP Book, Jacket, and Journal Show

Books on display at the 2022 AUP Book, Jacket, and Journal Show

For their annual Book, Jacket, and Journal Show, the Association of University Presses brings together outstanding examples of book design from across the university press community, highlighting selections ranging from colorful art books to scholarly tomes.

Our very own University of Chicago Press titles are featured in several of the categories presented in the show, a testament to the skills of our in-house and freelance designers. Reflecting on UCP’s design program and this year’s featured books, Jill Shimabukuro, Director of Design and Production at the Press says: “The AUPresses Book, Jacket, and Journal show is one of the few, remaining competitions that celebrate book design and typography. I am delighted that, with this year’s selections, Chicago continues a legacy of design excellence dating back to the 1960s.”

In this post, we invite you to take a peek at some of these amazing book designs.

2022 Scholarly Illustrated Selections

The City Creative: The Rise of Urban Placemaking in Contemporary America
Michael H. Carriere and David Schalliol
Designer: Monograph / Matt Avery
David Freedberg
Designer: Monograph / Matt Avery
Lines of Thought: Branching Diagrams and the Medieval Mind
Ayelet Even-Ezra
Designer: Jill Shimabukuro

“This is one of those you flip through and say, ‘My goodness, how many years did that take to produce?’ . . . Chef’s kiss! My favorite of the show.”

Stephen Coles, Juror

2022 Trade Typographic Selections

Distant Early Warning: Marshall McLuhan and the Transformation of the Avant-Garde
Alex Kitnick
Designer: Jill Shimabukuro
The Subversive Simone Weil: A Life in Five Ideas
Robert Zaretsky
Designer: Jill Shimabukuro
Value in Art: Manet and the Slave Trade
Henry M. Sayre
Designer: Ryan Li

2022 Trade Illustrated Selections

Tropical Arctic: Lost Plants, Future Climates, and the Discovery of Ancient Greenland
Jennifer McElwain, Marlene Hill Donnelly, and Ian Glasspool
Designer: Rae Ganci Hammers

2022 Book Jackets and Covers Selections

Black Paper: Writing in a Dark Time
Teju Cole
Designer: Isaac Tobin
The Cosmic Zoom: Scale, Knowledge, and Mediation
Zachary Horton
Designer: Isaac Tobin

Geometry of Grief: Reflections on Mathematics, Loss, and Life
Michael Frame
Designer: Rae Ganci Hammers

What’s Eating the Universe?: and Other Cosmic Questions
Paul Davies
Designer: Rae Ganci Hammers

“Understated in the best way. Elegant”

Juror, on Geometry of Grief
Catalog for the 2022 AUP Book, Jacket, and Journal Show

Congratulations to all the wonderful designers featured in this year’s show! Curious to see more? Check out the other selections here: