Art and Architecture, Books for the News, History, Politics and Current Events

The Whisky Tango Foxtrot tour

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With his book tour now in full swing Ashley Gilbertson, author of Whiskey Tango Foxtrot: A Photographer’s Chronicle of the Iraq War has been making so many appearances lately we can barely keep track of him. From prime time TV interviews, to high school classrooms, here’s our attempt to catch up with Gilbertson’s most recent events:
Last Tuesday Gilbertson was interviewed on Philadelphia NPR affiliate WHYY’s Radio Times with Marty Moss-Coane. Archived audio from the show is available on the WHYY website in real-audio format .
Wednesday saw Gilbertson appearing in Boston for a slightly surreal interview on local FOX TV morning news. They’ve also put the video online at their website.
Yesterday, however, Gilbertson took some time out to speak with a group of high school students from Millis, MA. The interview was recorded for the Millis Middle/High School’s Studio 103, a student-run production facility for a local access TV channel, and should appear on their blog soon as well.
An interview and multimedia slide show with a sampling of the photo’s from Gilbertson’s book was also featured last Thursday on the online news magazine Alternet.
And tonight Gilbertson will be seen on CNN’s Anderson Cooper 360 in a rebroadcast of Cooper’s show on the battle for Falluja, called “The Anvil of God”—Gilbertson was recently awarded the Robert Capa Gold Medal from the Overseas Press Club for his coverage of the U.S. invasion of Falluja.
Finally, Gilbertson’s talk and signing at the Washington DC area Borders was recently filmed by CSPAN-2’s Book TV—who will broadcast it this Sunday night at 7:00 pm eastern time, 6:00 pm central.
But despite all these interviews with major media moguls, his recent interview with Press senior editor Alan Thomas of course offers by far the most interesting examination of Gilbertson’s work. You can see footage from the interview online at the press’s special website for the book.