Books for the News

Friday remainders

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George E. Lewis, longtime member of the Chicago based Association for the Advancement of Creative Musicians and author of the forthcoming A Power Stronger Than Itself: The AACM and American Experimental Music is the featured guest this month on the Wire‘s “Invisible Jukebox.” In the column the Wire‘s Brian Morton “plays a musician a series of records which they are asked to identify and comment on—with no prior knowledge of what they’re about to hear.”
Currently you can only get the rest of the interview with a subscription to the Wire but you can learn more about the AACM as well as pre-order a copy of Lewis’s book on their site or ours.
This month’s edition of Chicago Magazine is also running several interesting articles featuring UCP books including Eric Klinenberg’s Heat Wave: A Social Autopsy of Disaster in Chicago and Marcia Lausen’s Design for Democracy: Ballot and Election Design.
The Heat Wave piece engages the author and Chicago playwright Steven Simoncic in a discussion about the forthcoming stage adaptation of the book opening February 21 at the Live Bait Theater. (Also see this interview with Eric Klinenberg on our website.)
Meanwhile, Chicago Magazine‘s Ted Mcclelland has written a quick piece on Marica Lausen’s critique of electoral ballot design featuring an interesting graphical representation of her suggestions for building a better ballot.
And while technically this should have been in a posting in last week’s remainders we should mention that Matthew Hedman’s The Age of Everything: How Science Explores the Past was featured in a review in the February 1 edition of the Independent. Navigate to the Independent website to read the article or read this excerpt from the book.
Also out last Friday was a nice piece in the Chronicle Review by Mark Monmonier, author of From Squaw Tit to Whorehouse Meadow: How Maps Name, Claim, and Inflame. In the article the author describes a little about how he first became interested in maps and his interest in using maps to plot cultural landscapes as well as physical ones. Read an excerpt from the book here.