The Quotable Kathleen Hall Jamieson
In 1988, during a presidential campaign of yore, election coverage quoted Presidents Creating the Presidency coauthor Kathleen Hall Jamieson so frequently that the New York Times ran a story about it. “In every Presidential campaign,” the Times noted, “a handful of people become ‘hot sources’ of information, quoted seemingly everywhere only to fade from view the day after the election.”
But, twenty years and five campaigns later, Jamieson certainly hasn’t faded. In addition to appearing on PBS’s NewsHour to analyze this year’s presidential race, Jamieson has been quoted or cited in 2008 election coverage by virtually every major American news organization.
She talked to the AP, for example, about the tone of certainty both candidates have adopted. She discussed the campaign’s declining civility with the Arizona Republic. And in the Christian Science Monitor she analyzed the Republican Party’s press management strategy with Sarah Palin.
For more from this brilliant communications scholar, peruse Presidents Creating the Presidency—or simply read the news.