Books for the News

The Great Plains radical? Who knew?

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The Huffington Post‘s Julia Moulden has written an article listing her top 10 gift suggestions for “new radicals”—a group she describes as “people who are putting the skills they acquired in their careers to work on the world’s greatest challenges.” (For a better definition one can consult the book she’s written on the subject.) Her list includes eco-friendly tableware, interfaith music for peace in the middle east, solar powered DIY robot kits as well as Michael Forsberg’s new book, Great Plains: America’s Lingering Wild—perhaps not quite as radical as a new lamp made by the Wai Wai weavers of Guyana but nonetheless a book for which Moulden reserves quite a bit of praise. Moulden writes:

Award-winning photographer Michael Forsberg believes that we can save the Great Plains—the grasslands that stretch across western North America, second only to the Serengeti in size. His new book, America’s Lingering Wild, the most gorgeous coffee table book to come along in years, spells out what’s wrong and what we can do. Many of the stories in the book were written by Dan O’Brien, author of a number of books about the region.

You can see all ten of Moulden ‘s “New Radical Gifts” on the Huffington Post website or find out more about Forsberg’s Great Plains with this gallery of photographs and sample pages in PDF format (4.2Mb) from the book.