Anthropology, Black Studies, Books for the News

Gina A. Ulysse on Human Rights, Haiti, and Wyclef

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Since long before the devastating earthquake that shook Haitian civilization to its core and turned the world’s attention toward the embattled nation, Wesleyan anthropoligist, author, and Haitian native, Gina A. Ulysse has been busy offering Western academics critical insight into the tragedies and triumphs of Caribbean culture and society.
In 2007 the Press published her Downtown Ladies: Informal Commercial Importers, a Haitian Anthropologist and Self-Making in Jamaica—a fascinating look inside the lives of entrepreneurial women who travel abroad to import and export consumer goods sold in the public markets of Kingston, Jamaica. Now, with Haiti still in ruins, and the upcoming elections the focus of yet more concern as the candidacies of several pop-stars—including Wyclef, formerly of Fugees fame—may threaten to make a travesty of what could be a rather important turning point for the country, Ulysse has continued to engage the issues in real-time with a number of articles for the Huffington Post, and blog posts for the Ms. Magazine blog.
Click through the links above to read some of her most recent articles, or find out more about her book.