
A Reading List for National Poetry Month from Chicago and Our Client Presses

For National Poetry Month, celebrated every April, we are happy to recognize the work of our brilliant distributed publishers. Over the years, we have been lucky to work closely with poetry and fiction publishers such as Acre Books, Autumn House, CavanKerry Press, Omnidawn, and Seagull Books. Plus, you can often find poetry titles on the lists of our other distributed clients, including Brandeis University Press and  Athabasca University Press. 

Last year, we asked our client publishers “What does poetry mean to you?” Read their responses here.

This year, we’ve rounded up our clients’ newest poetry titles, published in 2022 and 2023, for your reading pleasure. Visit our Bookshop collection to learn more! Shop our collection of new poetry books on Bookshop.

A collection of eight book covers, with a caption reading “National Poetry Month. New titles from our client presses.”

New from Acre Books, the small press offshoot of The Cincinnati Review, hailing from Cincinnati, OH.  

Manatee Lagoon by Jenna Le

Metabolics by Jessica E. Johnson

New from Autumn House, a nonprofit, literary publisher based in Pittsburgh, PA. 

Seed Celestial by Sara R. Burnett

Bittering the Wound by Jacqui Germain

Ishmael Mask by Charles Kell

Given by Liza Katz Duncan

The Scorpion’s Question Mark by J.D. Debris

New from CavanKerry Press, a New Jersey-based nonprofit poetry publisher. 

Dialect of Distant Harbors by Dipika Mukherjee

But I Still Have My Fingerprints by Dianne Sivlestri, MD

Boy by Tracy Youngblom

The History Hotel by Baron Wormser

When Did We Stop Being Cute? by Martin Wiley

New from Omnidawn, a California-based publisher of innovative literature. 

(no subject) by Peter Burghardt

Yours, Purple Gallinule by Ewa Chrusciel

Pink Waves by Sawako Nakayasu

t/here it is by T.J. Anderson III

CHORUS by Daniela Naomi Molnar

Etymologies by Walter Ancarrow

The Rendering by Anthony Cody

oh orchid o’clock by Endi Bogue Hartigan

From Unincorporated Territory [åmot] by Craig Santos Perez

vanishing point. by Kimberly Reyes

New from Seagull Books, an international publisher of world literature in translation.

The Poems by Robert Walser

La Clarté Notre-Dame” and “The Last Book of the Madrigals” by Philippe Jaccottet

The World Saved by Kids: And Other Epics by Elsa Morante

Come, Take a Gentle Stab: Selected Poems by Salim Barakat

Delicates by Wendy Guerra

Decapitated Poetry by Ko-Hua Chen

New from Brandeis University Press, publishing diverse perspectives in the humanities, social sciences, natural history, and the environment.

The Lamb Cycle: What the Great English Poets Would Have Written About Mary and Her Lamb (Had They Thought of It First) by David Ewbank

New from Athabasca University Press (Distributed by the University of British Columbia Press), Canada’s first open-access scholarly press.

Little Wet-Paint Girl by Ouanessa Younsi

These titles are available now from our website or from Bookshop. Happy National Poetry Month!